work in progress.

Cake Clicker (Old)

By Fractyl (Fractylizer)

Released on 9/1/2021

The game is about making as much cake as possible.

Game Link -

Beta Link - (more outdated than live link)

Reddit Post - My IGM game: Cake Clicker [W.I.P.]

Related Games

Cake Clicker (2022) (newer version from 2022)

Game Details

In Cake Clicker, you click an oven to bake muffins. You can buy ovens that do this automatically, and you expand your business from there. From casinos to crypto to quarks, you'll do anything to bake more cake.

This game was posted in r/idlegamemaker and the Dashnet Forums discord.

Cake Clicker was Fractylizer's first IGM game, created on the 22nd of August 2021. It was updated heavily in August and September, but only received occasional updates every couple months. Just after the game's one-year anniversary, Fractyl announced the development of a newer version. Since then, the old version has not been updated.

(These details were written by Fractylizer on Github)