work in progress.

Faucet Game

By Fractyl (Fractylizer)

Released on 16 Sept 2022

The game is about breaking a faucet, fixing it, breaking it, and so on.

Game Link -

Game Details

In Faucet Game, you click on the faucet which breaks and spews water. Another person whose identity is not disclosed complains, but then fixes it and drains the water. After you break it again, you must get 50 dollars to hire a plumber. You ask the other person for money twice, and they give you 49 dollars. On the third time, they pull a dollar from behind your ear. After the plumber fixes the faucet, the other person leaves you to sit in your house, which is still full of water. The game's story ends there.

Faucet Game was made and released on the Dashnet Forums discord on the 16th of September 2022. The game started as just a breakable faucet with plans for a story. By the 25th, the game's story was completed, but the game didn't function properly. The project was abandoned and is broken to this day.

(These details were written by Fractylizer on Github)