work in progress.

The Lost Labyrinths

By LGPlayer13

Released on 8/24/2022

This is an RPG-style game, where you fight different monsters, get better and better gear, brew potions to enhance your stats, and eventually... you'll reach the Labyrinth.

Game Link -

Short Link -

Reddit Post - The Lost Labyrinths (Alpha 0.07.1)

Page on LG Productions Website -

Discord Server - 2wS5E5Rx3h

Game Details (wip)

The Lost Labyrinths is a RPG game where you fight monsters to earn loot. Battles are real time. This game was posted in DashNet, r/idlegamemaker, and LG's personal site. It was also featured in Episode 2 of IronDizaster's Playing Your Idle Game Maker Games series.