work in progress.

The Spinoff Game

By Fractyl (Fractylizer)

Released on 26/06/2024

Produce spinoffs of spinoffs of spinoffs of spinoffs...
...until you can buy the original media!

Game Link -

Game Details

In The Spinoff Game, you buy The Spinoff Game Show, which is free. This is a spinoff of Game Show Extraordinaire, which is a spinoff of Ultimate Trivia Showdown Extravaganza, and so on. Each spinoff costs 100 of the spinoff of the spinoff of that spinoff and gives 1 of the spinoff of that spinoff every second. There are 30 spinoffs and 1 final item. The final item is The Big Bang Theory, which costs 50 Young Sheldon. Buying it grants the "You did it!" achievement.

The Spinoff Game began development on the 26th of June 2024. It began development at around 5:30 pm and the 30 spinoffs and 1 final item were finished at around 6:00pm. The game was released on the Dashnet Forums Discord at 6:21 pm and Fractyl's Discord at 7:11pm.

(These details were written by Fractylizer on Github)